

Q: How can I check the status of my order?
A: For orders placed at the event, you can log in at with the same account information you registered with when placing your order at the event.
Select the option to view order history from the event drop-down.

For orders placed on-line after the event, please go to and login with the account information you used to register with when placing your online order. You can then view your order status.

If you placed an order using a paper order form, please use our support request form found here.

Q: How do I complete my pre-paid order?
A: View the photos from your event by going to Once you have a list of the photos you would like to order, please send an email to with the following information.

Q: How long are pre-paid orders valid for?
A: You have 60 days after the event has ended to provide a list of photos you would like to use for your pre-paid order.

Q: I placed an order over two months ago and I still have not received it?
A: You should receive your order within 4-6 weeks. If it has passed this time, please use our support request form found here. Sometimes we may be waiting for missing information when the original order was placed and we have not been able to get a hold of you. We have also had times where a package is lost in the mail and were not informed of the situation.

Q: How can I contact you?
A: If you have an issue with an order placed with us, please use our support request form found here. If you have a general question that is not an issue with an order, you can email us at [email protected].
You can also reach us by mail at:

ProPix Event Photography
354 S. Mountain Way Dr.
Orem, UT 84058

Q: I don't see my event on the front page of your website or under the company page that hosted my event?
A: It normally takes 3-4 days after the event for us to get events online. You can always check the main store page at This is where the main directory of the events are kept. If an event is currently being uploaded you can find it at this location.

Q: Why did I get only the minis of my montage, or only the large poster and no minis?
A: We mail the large poster and minis separately, the large one through UPS and the minis through the post office, so they don't come together but within a few days of each other.

Q: I was at an event last weekend and can't view my pictures, but I can see the studios. What am I doing wrong?
A: The events normaly take 3-4 days to finish uploading online after each event, so please check back the following day.

Q: Why am I receiving email from you that I don't want?
A: If you would like to unsubscribe from our announce list please go to the announce list page and enter your email address in the corresponding box. Click the Unsubscribe button and you will be removed.

Q: How long does it take to receive my order?
A: Orders from the events and online normaly take 4-6 weeks for delivery.

Q: I made an online order and want to send a check. Who do I make the check payable to and where do I send it?
A: Please make checks payable to ProPix Photography and send the check WITH the order number to:

Online Orders
Attn: Jenn
ProPix Event Photography
354 S Mountain Way Drive
Orem, UT 84058

Q: I am having trouble downloading my digital video which I ordered online.
A: Follow these steps to download your video.

  1. Go to the link we sent you in your email.
  2. If the page loads with a thumbnail of the videos, hover your mouse over the thumbnail and a white check box will appear in the upper right hand corner. Click the checkbox and a download option will appear near the top of the web page.
  3. Click the download button and you should now get a notification as to where on your computer you would like to download your video.

If the above steps do not work for some reason you can try the following alternative.

  1. Go to the link we sent you in your email
  2. When the page loads with your videos, click on the one you would like to download first.
  3. The page will now show a large version of your video and begin to play it. Click the download button near the top of the screen
  4. You should now get a notification as to where on your computer you would like to download your video.

If you are having trouble viewing your video after downloading we recommend you try using VLC player to play the videos. You can download a free copy at